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The Shadow in The Corner & Other Classic Ghost Stories

Nakladatel: Pan MacMillan (Bohemian Ventures, spol. s r.o.)
Jazyk: anglicky
Pořadí vydání:1.
Počet stran:384
Typ, vazba:Kniha, paperback
Více podrobností
Klubová cena: 224 Kč
Běžná cena: 299 Kč
Ušetříte: 75 Kč
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Poslední změna: 16.09.2024 19:31


Ghost stories reached the height of popularity in the late nineteenth century and this collection offers a fine selection of ghostly tales from that time. Many of the contributors are amongst the most famous writers in the English language led by the master of the genre, M. R. James. What all the stories have in common is that they give the reader a delicious sense of terror but in different ways. Rudyard Kipling in 'The Phantom Rickshaw' and Charles Dickens in 'The Signalman' expertly twist their protagonists' emotions, creating fear and dread. Mary Elizabeth Braddon and E. Nesbit aim for downright terror in their tales 'The Shadow in the Corner' and 'Man-Size in Marble' and there's even room for some spooky humour with Saki's tale, 'Laura'.With tales of revenge, supernatural malevolence and ghostly goings on, this anthology is full of expertly crafted and terrifying ghost stories.This series of gorgeous pocket-sized paperbacks from Macmilan Collector's Library celebrates the very best Gothic and horror literature, teeming with monsters, misfits and ghosts.


Název: The Shadow in The Corner & Other Classic Ghost Stories

Autor: Marcus Clapham

Titul je zařazen do žánrů:


EAN: 9781035034901

Objednací kód: NA610985

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